Digestive Health Care in St. Louis
Tariq Hassan MD
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Phone (314) 529-0661
Tariq Hassan MD
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Phone (314) 529-0661
To see Dr Tariq Hassan as a new or follow up out patient come to this location.
NORTH COUNTY OFFICE Directions: From 270 East, take Exit 30, New Halls Ferry, at the ramp turn left onto new Halls ferry, in 0.2 miles turn right on Mehl Ave, then take first right onto Netherton.
From 270 West take Exit 30 New Halls Ferry, turn right at the ramp onto new Halls ferry, in 0.2 miles turn right on Mehl Ave, then take first right onto Netherton
WEST COUNTY OFFICE : 3009 N Ballas Rd, Suite 100B
St Louis MO 63131. Inside Missouri Baptist Hospital Complex. ( Mason road exit from Hwy 64 )
If you are having a procedure like a upper endoscopy or colonoscopy the instructions ( paper work ) you received will tell you where to come, either the Endoscopy and Colonoscopy Center on 100 Village Square Hazelwood, MO 63042, or one of the hospitals like Christian Hospital or DePaul Medical Center . Please fill out paper work for procedures and bring with you to save time at check in .
We are located in Hazelwood MO.
From 270 East take the McDonald Blvd exit, turn left over Highway 270 then right on Brown road. 100 Village square is about two miles East on your left hand side.
From 270 West, take Lindbergh North Exit 25 B then right on Lynn Haven, left at the first traffic light , cross Lindbergh then left into village square. We are a single story building next to Royal Bank.
If you have seen Dr Hassan in the past at the office on 100 Village Square, Hazelwood MO 63042. request your old records prior to your visit at the new office on Netherton Drive. Here is the link :
Request Old Records Electronically (click here)
Other Forms and Info:
American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Website (click here )
American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) Website (click here)
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (click here )
What is Ulcerative Colitis? (click here)
What is Crohn's Disease? (click here )
What is Irritable bowel syndrome ( click here )
Information about Colonoscopy (click here )
Information about Upper Endoscopy (EGD) (click here )
Information about ERCP (click here )
Dr. Tariq Hassan is Board Certified by American Board of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology. He completed his Gastroenterology fellowship training at Beth Israel-Deaconess Hospital , Harvard Medical School , Boston , Massachusetts in 1996. Dr Tariq Hassan has been providing gastroenterology services in North county since 1999.
He treats a wide range of disorders of the digestive system including Acid Reflux (GERD), Irritable bowel Syndrome , (IBS), Diverticulitis , Ulcerative Colitis, Crohns Disease, Ulcers of the stomach and intestine, ( Peptic Ulcer Disease) Pancreatitis, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
Patients request evaluation for symptoms of heartburn, difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain , diarrhea , constipation , change in bowel habits, nausea vomiting, weight loss, vomiting blood or passing blood in stool.
A colonoscopy at age 45 years for both men and women can help remove small tumors called polyps that can other wise can develop into colon cancer. Colonoscopy is covered by Medicare , Medicaid, private insurances , and most patients can set one up even if they don't have a primary care doctor.
Colon cancer does not cause any symptoms in early stages and when symptoms like blood in stool , abdominal pain , weight loss occur , cancer can have spread making treatment and cure difficult. Most people (80%) do not have polyps and only need to have a colonoscopy every 10 years. People with polyps and those with first degree family members like parents or siblings with colon cancer should have a colonoscopy every 5 years.
Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Coventry Advantra, Essence, Exclusive Choice, Health Link, Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, United health Care, Humana. Subject to change. Call staff to check if your insurance is accepted.
Dr. Hassan volunteers at SALAM Free clinic, UCC St. Peter's Church , 1425 Stein road, West Florissant, St Louis MO 63135. Phone 314 521-1172. Open every Saturday 11 am-1 pm. Walk in , No appointment needed.
Volunteers in Medicine West County Clinic 119 Baxter shops, Manchester MO 63011. For appointment call 636 207-5970 Open Sunday 2pm to 4 pm.
Since schedules sometimes change at short notice, see any available physician and then ask staff to make next appointment on day Dr Hassan is working.
Colonoscopy, Upper Endoscopy, ERCP.
Dr Hassan performs Upper endoscopy and Colonoscopy at Surgery Center at 100 Village Square ,Hazelwood MO 63042
Christian Hospital
DePaul Hospital
Email: Drhassangi@colonage50.com
2870 Netherton Drive , St Louis MO 63136
Phone Number (314) 529-0661 Fax (314) 529 0687
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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